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Web Development

Having delivered web projects for more than 17 years, I offer diverse development expertise to companies as they launch or improve online service, facilitate decision making and automate business processes.

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Mobile App Development

I have developed full featured mobile web applications for clients that include specialized features such as geolocation ad targeting and embedded streaming radio players.

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Cloud Infrastructure

I specialize in building new systems in and migrating existing systems to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Past projects include creating custom metrics for auto-scaling load balanced servers and setting up a Virtual Private Cloud that connects directly to your internal network.

Webfonts by Hoefler & Co.

I was the lead developer of the website and backend font configuration and delivery services. I wrote multi-threaded java servers to handle font configuration and CDN update requests received via Amazon's SQS. Built php database library. Did jQuery development for UI. Wrote code to dynamically generate Edge-side Include (ESI) scripts to deliver fonts from Akamai (CDN) based on browser's user agent. Developed custom metrics (AWS CloudWatch) to control autoscaling of java servers.

PHP/java/SQS/AWS API — link

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Generic placeholder image Graphic Effects Artist Site

I built a file-sharing/collaboration site for a NYC based graphic effects artist. Using a role-based user management system, the artist can share files between himself and his clients on a project-specific timeline.

mySQL/PHP/ffmpeg/S3 API/PERL — link

Awards Show Entry Site

Since 2009, I've been the lead developer of an awards show entry system that services yearly show such as TED, AICP, AICE, AMP and The Andy Awards. This year (2013), we're adding the Art Director's Club.

mySQL/PHP/ffmpeg/episode engine/PERL

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WordPress Plugin for Duke University

Working with Arturan, I developed a word-press plugin for Duke University that allows them to publish videos to their website and youtube with a single action.

PHP/WordPress plugin/YouTube API — link

Document Management System for J.P. Morgan Invest

Arturan and I developed a document management system for J.P. Morgan. It tracked document revisions for their investment division. These documents included forms and brochures. Every time a document is uploaded into the system, any text in the pdf is extracted and saved in the database making it search-able.


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Streaming Radio Mobile App for SoundTrapper

For Soundtrapper I developed a mobile app, music database, and streaming server plugin that streams music and promotes businesses based on the geolocation of the user. I wrote custom icecast server plugin for song selection and developed a javascript library for mobile device UI interactions.

PHP/mySQL/PERL/icecast streaming server/icecast custom module

Bigby Browser Game for Worldwide Biggies

Working for Worldwide Biggies I created the browser-based version of their brand new iPhone game "Bigby" © 2010 Worldwide Biggies, Inc. It was featured on the Addicting Games Homepage. Besides the game-play, I created the collision detection and physics.

flash (AS3) — link

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Hudson Square Connection

For this project, I created an interactive map in flash that dynamically pulls locations from a mySQL DB via PHP (xml). I also created an admin tool using SmartClient AJAX RIA system that gives the client (Hudson Square Business Improvement District) the ability to upload data from an in-house GIS DB and then add data/elements needed for the website.

mySQL/PHP/AJAX (SmartClient)/flash (AS3) — link

conEd Training Game for Brandgames

Working for BrandGames™ I created the back-end data collection system for STORM!, a game-based empathy training simulation for Con-Edison.


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On-Air Promotional Animation for VH1

Working for Control Group, I developed a xml/flash based system for customizing an on-air "bug". I also created a php/mySQL web app for creating/storing the XML which dictated the text, design, timing, color, and actions of the "bug".

mySQL/PHP/flash (AS3)

Training Game for Deloitte

Working with Brand Games, I developed a sensitivity training web application for Deliotte. For this project, I built a custom flash 3D engine with camera zoom that stepped employees through video interactions with people that would analyze their performance.

flash (AS3)

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Interactive Wine Kiosk for Discovery Wines

I built a kiosk system for a wine store in Manhattan that allowed customers to scan wines via their bar-code and see information and pictures regarding their wine choice. The kiosk data was periodically pulled from the stores POS/inventory system.

mySQL/PHP/PERL/flash/kiosk selection/physical wiring